Preferential car customs clearance in Spain
We help with the transport of personal cars from non-EU countries. You can contact us if:

  • You are moving to Spain for permanent residence and don't want to part with your car
  • Your first residency is less than a year old
  • You owned the car for more than 6 months before moving
  • We handle the most complex cases
Car Selection
Car Import
Car Customs Clearance
Car re-registration
Customs Clearance with Us
Preferential customs clearance means exemption from several taxes, which together amount to more than 50% of the cost of your car.

A resident of Spain can customs clear their car under the preferential system within 12 months of obtaining their first residency, avoiding taxes and fees.
You do NOT pay value-added tax (IVA 21%)
You do NOT pay customs duty (10% of your car's value)
You do NOT pay the European homologation procedure (2,000€)
You do NOT pay registration tax (from 4.75% to 16.75%)
How does the customs clearance process work?
Представитель-ство в суде
Consultation and initial document review:
We check the car and its details to determine the possibility of customs clearance and registration in Spain without paying taxes and customs duties.
Preparing Documents for Car Import
The procedure usually takes from 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the broker's workload. At the end of this process, we receive tax exemption documents for the tax office.
ITV, Technical Inspection
This is the only place where you will need to come personally with your car. It should be in good condition and ready for inspection. The procedure takes about an hour, but we wait for the documents and pick them up in a week.
Tax Office
With the existing set of documents, we submit them to the tax office and get approval for vehicle registration. On average, the documents are prepared in about a week after the application. The city tax, where you live, is paid separately.
At this stage, we receive Spanish registration documents and the vehicle's technical card.
Final Stage
We receive the license plates, arrange insurance, and get the environmental sticker.